This is the process of building a therapeutic relationship/environment with the patient/client and family who visits the hospital. It makes the patient/client and family feel at ease to discuss his/her needs with the nurse. This action is performed by the nurse immediately he/she comes into contact with a patient/client and family.
It is the act of describing a procedure, an action or task that will be carried out for a patient/client and or the family during the delivery of care.
This is a procedure performed to assess the external auditory canal, tympanic membrane and head of malleus.
This a surgical procedure a to widen the entrance of the external auditory canal.
This is a gentle flushing out of the external auditory carnal with water or normal saline at body temperature.
This is a process of collecting specimen from a discharging ear using a sterile cotton wool swab/applicator.
It is a surgical procedure of eradicating disease from the middle ear cavity and mastoid air cells.
Is the immediate nursing care a patient/client receives at the ward after undergoing Radical mastoidectomy.
Is a diagnostic procedure performed to assess the vestibular system using cold water of 30˚C and warm water of 44˚C.
This is a process of administering medications into the external auditory canal.
Is a procedure that require the use of microscope to visualize the external auditory canal and cleaning done by suctioning.
It is a surgical procedure of removing polyploid mass from the aural cavity.
This is a surgical procedure of making a minute incision into the tympanic membrane.
It is an aseptic procedure to clean an ear wound.
This is a procedure where sutures on the external part of the ear are removed.
This is a process of administering nasal medications into the nasal cavity.
This is a surgical excision done to remove a cyst in the sub-labial region.
This is a process of collecting a nasal discharge from the nasopharynx by using a sterile cotton wool swab/applicator.
It is the introduction of warm moist air into the lungs by using the Nelson inhaler.
This is a mechanical process of tamponing bleeding from the anterior portion of the nasal cavity.
This is an act of using mechanical process of securing homeostasis from the posterior portion of the nose. It is an emergency procedure performed by the nurse, using balloon catheters or nasogastric tubes.
This is an act of using mechanical process of securing homeostasis from the posterior portion of the nose. It is an emergency procedure performed by the nurse, using balloon catheters or nasogastric tubes.
This is a surgical procedure performed to correct a fractured or deviated nasal bone.
This is a surgical procedure by which a cannula is inserted into the maxillary sinus via the inferior meatus or maxillary antrum to aid in washing of the cavity. The nurse assists and observe patient for any abnormal behaviour throughout the procedure.
It is a surgical procedure to create an opening into the maxillary antrum (antro-nasal wall) and nasal cavity under the inferior turbinate.
It is a surgical procedure where an incision is made in the Buccal Sulcus overlying the canine fossa.
This is a surgical procedure done to correct pathology/deformity of the nasal septum.
This is a surgical procedure of removing or excising polyploid mass from the nose.
It is a surgical procedure that allows the surgeon to make a direct approach to frontal and ethmoidal sinus to remove diseased tissue.
It is a surgical procedure of making an opening into the trachea in patients with upper air way obstruction to create a secured air way.
Nursing care given to a patient/client on the ward after tracheostomy.
This is a surgical procedure of removing the palatine tonsils.
This is the use of rigid or flexible oesophagoscope to examine/explore the oesophagus.
This is a procedure used to examine the airway and the lungs using bronchoscope.
Is a sterile procedure to incise and drain pus from peritonsilar space.
This is a medical procedure done for visual examination or explore the larynx.
This is a medical procedure done for visual examination or explore the larynx.
This a procedure where a swab is taken from the pharynx in patients with upper respiratory tract infection.
It is a surgical procedure of removing the nasopharyngeal tonsils (adenoids).