This is the process of building a therapeutic relationship and environment with the patient/client and family who visits the hospital. It makes the patient/client and family feel at ease to discuss his/her needs with the nurse. This action is performed by the nurse immediately he/she comes into contact with a patient/client and family.
It is the act of describing a procedure, an action or task that will be carried out for a patient/client and or the family during the delivery of care.
The act of removing eye lashes by the use of epilation forceps.
The act of trimming of the eye lashes by the use of cilia scissors.
The removal of foreign body in the inner lid surface or fornices of the eye.
This is a minor surgical procedure for the drainage of Meibomian cyst in the eye lid.
The application of bandage on an eye dressing after surgery or as a first aid management in case of globe rupture.
This the act of probing and irrigating the naso-lacrimal duct due to blockage.
This is the breaking down of adhesions between the bulbar and palpebral conjunctiva of the eye. This procedure is also done when there are potential adhesions of bulbar and palpebral conjunctiva in certain conditions of the eye; such as burns and Steven Johnsons Syndrome whereby the conjunctiva surfaces become ulcerated and stick together.
A procedure which involves instillation of fluorescein dye or application of fluorescein strip in the eye for diagnostic purposes.
A procedure to remove foreign material that has become superficially adherent or embedded on the cornea of the eye.
The act of examining the posterior segment of the eye using a direct ophthalmoscope.
A periocular route of injection for ocular drug administration by injecting a medication either under the bulbar conjunctiva or underneath the conjunctiva lining of the eyelid.
The process of using a sterile solution to flush the eyes of any foreign bodies or noxious substances.
This is done on the first day post-operative. It involves the use of sterile cotton swabs and normal saline to clean the operated eye in readiness for examination.
The process of obtaining sample of secretions from the conjunctiva for laboratory investigations.
The is an eye examination that checks how well the eye sees the details of a letter or symbol from a standard distance of 3m or 6m depending on the type of chart being used.
This is a procedure done to remove crust and debris from eyelid margin.
This is the act of measuring intraocular pressure or pressure inside the eye with the use of a tonometer.
It is a diagnostic test which is done to determine whether the tear glands produce adequate tears to keep the eye moist. The test is based on the capillary action principle, which permits the water in the tears to go in the same direction down a paper test strip as it would in a horizontal capillary tube. The rate of tear formation is proportionate to the rate of travel down the test strip.
This is the act of applying medication in an ointment form into the eye.
This is the act of dispensing of sterile ophthalmic solution into the eye of a patient.
This is the act of fixing an artificial eye or eye prosthesis into the socket of a patient who has lost the eye due to various causes.
This is the act of removing artificial eye from the socket of the eye as a result of discomfort, discharges and as a routine care.
An act of checking the intraocular pressure of the eyes by measuring the force necessary to flatten the cornea.
It is the process to assess for the presence of aqueous humor leakage from the anterior chamber onto the ocular surface of the eye following injury or surgery.
Hot Fomentation is a procedure carried out by the ophthalmic nurse in which moist heat is applied to the affected eye. It can also be done at home by patients themselves after taking through the procedure.
An ocular surgery done to washout the anterior chamber of the eye in cases of hyphema and remnants of materials such as Visco Elastic Lens Matter and Silicon Oil.