This is a process of building a therapeutic relationship with the client and family. It makes the client and family feel comfortable in disclosing sensitive information which will aid in individualized care, based on their needs.
This is the process of describing a procedure, an action or task that will be carried out by the midwife for a patient/client during delivering of care.
This is the process of obtaining a comprehensive information from a client in order to make appropriate diagnoses for management.
This is the first assessment of the pregnant client/woman at the Antenatal Clinic through the use of all the senses and appropriate tools.
This is the process of obtaining obstetric information on previous pregnancy(ies) and outcome of delivery(ies) through skilful communication.
This is the process of obtaining accurate obstetric information on current pregnancy by the midwife through skilful communication.
This is an assessment done on a pregnant woman to ascertain the progress of pregnancy and detect any deviation from normal through inspection, palpation and auscultation.
This is the process of assessing the breast of a pregnant woman through inspection and palpation at the antenatal clinic. It gives an opportunity for the midwife and mother to discuss the importance of breastfeeding.
This is a routine investigation carried out on clients during pregnancy, labour and puerperium. Midstream urine is obtained from clients in clean bottle for analysis.
This is the process of educating the pregnant woman on malaria before, during and after pregnancy.
This is the process of educating the pregnant woman on appropriate nutrition for the well-being of the mother and proper development of the foetus. This spans from before, during and after pregnancy.
This is the process of educating the pregnant woman/client on self-cleanliness and immediate surrounding in order to prevent associated diseases.
This is the process of sharing information with the pregnant woman and her family on early detection and recognition of specific signs which can be life threatening and complicate the pregnancy. Some of the danger signs are vaginal bleeding, severe headache, blurred vision and epigastric pain.
This is a process of educating the pregnant woman and her family to access timely skilled maternal and neonatal care leading to child birth.
This is a timely intervention by the midwife to a pregnant woman who is bleeding from the genital tract. The bleeding may occur between 24 to 28 weeks of pregnancy and before the delivery of the baby.
This is an obstetric emergency care given by the midwife to a postpartum woman bleeding excessively and progressively (500ml or more) that can cause deterioration in the client’s condition within or after 24 hours of delivery. It can be due to trauma, atonic uterus or infection.
This is a systematic sensitive assessment of the vagina performed by a Midwife by inserting her index and middle fingers into the vagina to ascertain various physiological changes and abnormalities in the birth canal during labour. It is normally done 4 hourly unless otherwise indicated. It requires adequate preparation of the woman on the purpose and rationale.
This is an intervention by the midwife during labour when there is full dilatation of the cervix to complete expulsion of the foetus or the last baby in multiple pregnancy.
This is a technique which is used by the midwife to manage the 3rd stage of labour. It involves the administration of the uterotonic drugs, early cord clamping and controlled cord traction to deliver the placenta and membrane and control haemorrhage.
This is an intervention by the midwife to the puerperal mother during the first 6 hours after complete expulsion of the placenta and membranes. The puerperal mother is stabilized through close observation and adequate care to enhance the proper contraction of the uterus.
This is a surgical incision of the vaginal opening and the perineal tissue performed by the midwife to increase the passage of the foetus during delivery when the need arises.
This is a thorough assessment of a new born baby by the midwife from head to toe after birth to confirm normality, exclude any congenital abnormalities and medical concerns. It is done initially within 48 hours at birth and before baby is discharged home.
It is a process of ensuring that the mother acquires all the techniques to start early breastfeeding after birth. This is very essential to establish early lactation and bonding as well as provide all the necessary nutrient to the neonate.
This is an assessment of the client after delivery by the midwife in the lying-in ward, before discharge and at the Postnatal Clinic. This is to ensure her well-being physiologically, physically and psychologically.
This is the initial process of cleaning the newborn baby thoroughly by the midwife. It is usually performed between 6 to 24 hours after delivery irrespective of the condition of the mother. On the other hand, initial baby bath is delayed in the case where baby is critically ill.
This is an aseptic technique performed by the midwife in the dressing of the umbilical cord. This is done after delivery using the recommended/prescribed antiseptic lotion to optimize the health of the baby until the cord drops off and the complete healing of the wound.
This is a procedure performed by the midwife daily between 1-3weeks to clean the vulva/perineum after delivery of the baby to optimise the health of the puerperal woman.
These are series of midwifery interventions carried out on a woman in labour to ascertain normality and deviation. It consists of the latent and active phase of first stage of labour using the partograph/WHO Labour Care Guide.
This is the process where the midwife minimizes the degree of pain in labour through pharmacological and non-pharmacological approach or both. Methods employ include deep breathing exercises, positioning, sacral massage and psychological care to the client.
This is the process where the midwife observes and inspect the placenta accurately after its expulsion.
This is the care rendered by the midwife to a client before and after an emergency or a planned caesarean section.
This is the care rendered by the midwife to a client before and after an emergency or a planned caesarean section.
This is the care rendered by the midwife to a client before and after an emergency or a planned caesarean section.
This is where the midwife gives information and coping strategies to a pregnant client/woman on nauseated feeling during pregnancy which occurs in the early trimester.
These are series of interventions and giving of information by the midwife to a pregnant client/woman who is experiencing a burning sensation in the oesophagus that occurs after eating, bending forwards or lying down at night.
These are series of information given by the midwife to a pregnant client/woman on how to cope and manage the pain associated with haemorrhoids and prevention of constipation which is major contributing factor.
These are series of information given by the midwife to assist the pregnant client/woman to gain knowledge in the prevention and management of constipation.
These are series of interventions and giving of information by the midwife to a pregnant client on coping strategies of spasms in the limbs during pregnancy.
These are series of information given by the midwife to assist the pregnant client/woman gain knowledge and coping strategies in the management of mild, odourless and clear vaginal discharge.
This is an emergency or urgent care rendered by the nurse/midwife to a client/mother to avert or restore a condition where the circulatory system cannot provide adequate blood supply to vital organs of the body.
This is an emergency or urgent care rendered by the nurse/midwife to a client/mother to avert or restore a condition where the circulatory system cannot provide adequate blood supply to vital organs of the body.
This is an acute obstetric emergency care given by the midwife to the mother/client when the cord is felt in the lower uterine segment either adjacent or below the presenting part after rupture of the membranes.
This is the management given to the pregnant woman by the midwife when membranes have ruptured or leaking before the onset of labour. It can occur either when the foetus is immature (preterm or before 37 weeks) or when pregnancy has reached term.
This is an obstetric care rendered by the midwife to a pregnant woman/client with an elevated blood pressure of 140/90 mmHg and proteinuria after 20 weeks of gestation. This management is also rendered for a client with an increase systolic of 15 – 20 mmHg and diastolic of 10 mmHg with proteinuria irrespective of client’s normal blood pressure.
This is an intervention by the midwife to a pregnant woman/client with mild with high blood pressure and protein in urine.
This is an emergency obstetric care given by the midwife to a pregnant woman/client with a systolic blood pressure of 160mmHg and diastolic pressure of at least 110mmHg with proteinuria. There may be other related symptoms such as blurred vision, epigastric pain and persistent frontal headache.
This is an obstetric emergency care rendered by the midwife to a pregnant woman/client in a state of convulsion which is not related to an existing brain condition, followed by coma and posing a threat to client and foetus.
This is an obstetric emergency care rendered by the midwife to a pregnant woman/client in a state of convulsion which is not related to an existing brain condition, followed by coma and posing a threat to client and foetus.
This is the suturing of an episiotomy or vaginal tears soon after the second stage of labour. It is an uncomfortable and painful procedure and as such, it must be done under local infiltration of anaesthesia.
This is the systematic approach of suturing the layers of the vagina lining. This involves the suturing of three layers; namely vaginal epithelium, the muscles and the perineal skin.
This is the continuous assessment by the midwife on the pregnant woman in labour in order to ascertain the progress of mother and foetus as well as identify any abnormalities. This is the period of time characterized by regular rhythmic painful uterine contractions and dilatation of cervix.