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Monday, 08 April 2024 13:13

Strengthening Nursing and Midwifery Regulation in Ghana: Insights from the N&MC Ghana's Visit to NMC UK on Revalidation

On Wednesday, March 20, 2024, a delegation  from the Nursing and Midwifery Council (N&MC) of Ghana, the University of Huddersfield, UK, and TechnoFerry International Limited, UK, embarked on a significant visit to the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) UK. The delegation included Mrs. Philomina A.N. Woolley, Acting Registrar; Mr. Ampem Darko Oklodu-Abbey Esq, Deputy Director (Operations) and Head of Intelligence and Discipline Unit; and Mr. Dennis Addai, Senior IT Officer (all at the N&MC of Ghana). Accompanying them were Dr. Bibha Simkhada, Senior Lecturer in Adult Nursing and Deputy Director of Graduate Education, University of Huddersfield, UK; as well as Mr. Hari Krishna Neupane, IT Consultant; and Mr. Manish Parajuli, Project Manager (both representing TechnoFerry International Limited, UK).


The primary objective of this visit to the NMC UK was to glean insights and expertise in implementing the innovative revalidation policy for nurses and midwives. The delegation sought to understand firsthand how the UK has effectively spearheaded this initiative, which has significantly contributed to enhancing health outcomes and fostering professional development among nurses and midwives. This visit was a pivotal component of an ongoing collaborative project aimed at “strengthening the N&MC of Ghana's capacity to oversee and regulate the professional registration of nurses and midwives to ensure high-quality care”. Supported by funding from the UK Department of Health and Social Care through the Tropical Health and Education Trust (THET), this project is part of the Global Health Workforce Programme. By leveraging the experiences, strategies, and best practices of leaders like the NMC UK, the delegation aims to tailor its approach to suit the distinctive needs and challenges of the healthcare system in Ghana.


Upon arrival, the delegation was warmly received by Natasha Dare, Head of Regulatory Policy, NMC UK, who graciously facilitated the meeting in the absence of Peter Pinto de Sa, Assistant Director, Office of the Chair and Chief Executive, NMC UK. The visit commenced with an illuminating presentation on revalidation, setting the stage for discussions and the exchange of practical recommendations on the introduction of a context-specific policy in Ghana. Additionally, the IT team had the opportunity to delve into the technological intricacies of policy implementation. In addition, Natasha Dare kindly agreed to serve on the Steering Committee for the execution of this project.


Although not present during the visit, other key members of the project include Precious Adade Duodu, Senior Lecturer in Adult Nursing and International Lead for the Department of Nursing; Professor Padam Simkhada, Professor of Global Health and Associate Dean International (both at the University of Huddersfield, UK); and Dr. Susan Jones, Lecturer and Professional Lead for Nursing, University of Liverpool, UK.


In conclusion, the visit to the NMC UK was instrumental in providing invaluable insights and expertise that will inform the development and implementation of revalidation policies for nurses and midwives in Ghana. Through collaboration and knowledge exchange, both countries are poised to strengthen regulatory frameworks, enhance professional standards, and ultimately, improve healthcare delivery for the benefit of all.


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